The Pangolin consists of the following building blocks:
- Real-time telemetry and data link
- Real-time video link
- Real-time UAV control
- Real-time raw video display
- Full UAV HUD display with all necessary flight parameters
- CPU with high-speed solid state 240 GB HD storage
- Video management and compression system
- Video diversity management system
- Audio announcement operator assist system
- Air-to-ground radio for civil aviation monitoring and communication
By using the above integrated Pangolin system, the user has full control over mission planning and execution. A user-friendly mission planner ensures that the Bateleur can be in the air with a fully defined mission in minutes.
The ideal crew consists of a Pangolin operator and a Bateleur UAV technician, although in many applications, only one person is needed to operate the system!
Pre-programmed missions can be done while still at HQ or mission base and these are stored in the Pangolin, ready for use later. While on site and even in the air, the operator can compile a “new mission” and “reprogram” the Bateleur while it is in flight, as and when the mission requires.
Two main modes of operation are available (FPPA or SAUC) - fully pre-programmed autonomous or semi-autonomous user controlled.
In FPPA mode, the Bateleur will execute the planned mission with unmatched precision and ease. The operator will load the planned mission, place the Bateleur on the launcher and execute the “take-off” command. He will then observe the real-time video and telemetry and wait for the Bateleur to return home. Mission completed! The operator will then execute the autonomous-assisted landing or parachute landing.
In SAUS mode, the Bateleur will execute the pre-programmed mission but will allow the user to “interrupt” the mission and steer the Bateleur to points of interest. The Bateleur auto-pilot will take care of all flight characteristics needed to keep the system under control, but will allow the operator to steer the Bateleur in order to view the point of interest.
With the excellent navigation and geo map systems, the user knows where the Bateleur is in real-time, which allows for accurate “target accusation”. Once the target is detected, the operator can get accurate GPS information so that the ground forces can react with proper tactical information. While the ground forces move in, the Bateleur stays “above target”, thereby enhancing the mission's success with real-time video displayed to “video-enabled ground forces”.
Pangolin Ground Control Characteristics:
- Packed in a waterproof and robust Pelican transport case
- Ergonomic design with large screens and work area
- User-friendly operator interface
- Comprehensive geo maps and information
- Mission planning made simple and fast
- Mission planner terrain height assistance
- Detailed heads-up display for operator control
- Full Bateleur telemetry data on all critical flight parameters
- Accurate Geo-positioning and feedback
- Separate raw video display
- Diversity checking enabled through the dual video receiving system
- Full flight logs and mission notes
- Operator audio-assist voice prompts and commands
- Video and audio recording of operator while using Pangolin
- Data and video backup system
- Built-in SD card reader for HD Wingcam video downloading