A strong system engineering approach is key to the success of any product. We take clients through the engineering lifecycle to ensure that requirements are well understood and the solution integrates well within the customer environment. We then assist client to manage the design, acquisition and manufacturing process to ensure that requirements are constantly interrogated.
The value of systems engineering is supported by accountability offices internationally. Quoting from a 2012 report (link to http://www.gao.gov/assets/590/589695.pdf) on defence acquisition by the United States Government Accountability Office, "Systems engineering is the primary means for determining whether and how the challenge posed by a program’s requirements can be met with available resources. It is a disciplined learning process that translates capability requirements into specific design features and thus identifies key risks to be resolved. Our prior best practices work has indicated that if detailed systems engineering is done before the start of product development, the program can resolve these risks through trade-offs and additional investments, ensuring that risks have been sufficiently retired or that they are clearly understood and adequately resourced if they are being carried forward.”
SE planning, as documented in an Systems Engineering Plan (SEP), identifies the most effective and efficient path to deliver a capability, from identifying user needs and concepts through delivery and sustainment. SE event-driven technical reviews and audits assess program maturity and determine the status of the technical risks associated with cost, schedule and performance goals.
Additional SE benefits are that it:
- Supports development of realistic and achievable program performance, schedule and cost goals as documented in the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) documents, Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) and Acquisition Strategy (AS).
- Provides the end-to-end, integrated perspective of the technical activities and processes across the system life cycle, including how the system fits into a larger system of systems (SoS) construct.
- Emphasizes the use of integrated, consistent and repeatable processes to reduce risk while maturing and managing the technical baseline. The final product baseline forms the basis for production, sustainment, future changes and upgrades.
- Provides insight into system life-cycle resource requirements and impacts on human health and the environment.
Our qualitied system engineers are available to assist you throughout the acquisition process. We adapt system engineering principles to ensure that even smaller projects meet or exceed the requirement of the customer.